Child and parent perceptions of acceptability and therapeutic value of a socially assistive robot used during pediatric rehabilitation (BibTeX citation)

    author = {Joanna Butchart and Reema Harrison and Jan Ritchie and Felip Mart\'{\i} and Chris McCarthy and Sarah Knight and Adam Scheinberg},
    title = {Child and parent perceptions of acceptability and therapeutic value of a socially assistive robot used during pediatric rehabilitation},
    journal = {Disability and Rehabilitation},
    volume = {0},
    number = {0},
    pages = {1-8},
    year = {2019},
    publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
    doi = {10.1080/09638288.2019.1617357},
    note ={PMID: 31120794},
    URL = {},
    eprint = {},


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